The Ultimate Guide to the Best Backyard Family Games: Top 3 Classic and New Lawn Games!

Ultimate Guide to the Best Backyard Family Games

Backyard games have always been at the centerpiece of family barbecues, picnics, and reunions. They allow for lighthearted fun with your closest family member while also sometimes breaking the awkward tension with the long lost cousin we all have! It is these moments that create the memories we cherish and share at weddings, birthdays, or sadly even funerals. The bragging rights carry on a lifetime, but unfortunately so do the mishaps and mistakes while playing! 

Every family has its own go to lawn game whether it be volleyball, cornhole, Spikeball, or Kan Jam. One of these will always create the most memories. No matter the age, skill level or even basic interests, the top family games will also be able to include everyone making them everlasting. From grandmothers simply tossing a frisbee in Polish Horseshoes to your nephew having the perfect throw in Ladderball, no one will ever not be entertained. Lawn games are the best way to enhance quality family time and create the entertainment we all love!

Lawn games have more advantages to picnics than just creating incredible memories. They can often be played in different athletic divisions to allow everyone from the college athlete to the hamburger stuffed dad to play. Some games like Giant Jenga or cornhole can also require strategy that can provide mental stimulation to even the biggest airhead! This allows everyone to get the physical exercise they need while also training those brain cells. Let’s not forget the social skills team games like volleyball, pickleball, or badminton must have to be successful. All things considered, backyard games give every family member the physical, mental, and social skills they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In today’s day in age, there is nothing better than getting kids away from screens and adding skills that lawn games provide to their development.

Classic Backyard Games:

Polish Horseshoes

A classic game that is oftentimes the best for having a beverage in hand has always been Polish Horseshoes. Needing just two ski poles, a frisbee, and two bottles, this game is very simple to travel with and set up in any yard. The basic objective is to get the other team’s bottle, which is standing on top of the ski pole roughly 30 feet away, to fall off and hit the ground. The other team must always catch the frisbee, assuming a playable throw, or the throwing team scores a point. Two points are scored for directly hitting the bottle and knocking it to the ground, and one for hitting the pole causing the bottle to fall. The opposing team has the ability to catch the bottle to eliminate one point from being scored. Polish Horseshoes has always been a fan favorite because any ability can play and games often come down to a great catch that saves the day. The court itself is great for a yard or beach and you just need anywhere from 20-40 feet of space to play. Just watch out for the neighbors windows if you haven't thrown a frisbee and the yard is smaller! Like Spikeball or Pickleball, even though the standard rules don’t allow for it you can add 3 players a side to be more inclusive to larger family gatherings!

Corn hole

While Corn hole doesn't add the athletic features that Thruball or Volleyball have, this backyard game has never ceased to bring the drama and memories. Two boards with a hole in the middle placed roughly 27 feet apart and 8 small bean bags is all that's needed to play. Teams of two players play one versus one per turn on each side of the court. Toss the bag on the board to secure one point, toss it in the hole to get three. Intense strategy of blocking opponents next throw is needed which can lead to heated rivalries and hopefully lots of fun banter. Bonding with your opponent next to you with either friendly support or trash talking is what makes Corn hole one for the memory books. Setting up only takes 30 seconds and although it doesn't travel as easily as Polish Horseshoes, you will want to bring this to your next family barbecue.


One of the older games still played commonly in backyard or beach settings is Badminton. First played back in the 1800’s this classic is played either one vs one (Singles) or two vs two (Doubles). The game consists of teams having one hit to get the birdie over the net to the other team within the boundary. A little more athleticism is generally exhibited in badminton compared to a game like Cornhole or Kan Jam, but it doesn't require the same intensity as volleyball. This allows everyone in the family to play, often even with a beverage in hand. While you don’t often see intense plays like diving for the birdie, this doesn't mean heated matches between siblings don't exist! Badminton is a time resilient game that just refuses to go out of style because of the competitive nature of the play and the simplicity for all ages. 

These three games are our top classic backyard games to play if you are having a barbecue or just having a picnic on the beach with your family.

Modern Backyard Games:


Thruball is the next big summer lawn and beach game! If you haven't picked up the paddles and tried hitting the ball through the rectangle, get out there today and try it! The game consists of two teams on opposite sides of the gate from one another trying to get the ball back through the rectangle to the other team by using two to three hits per side. It truly is the perfect marriage of volleyball and pickleball, the fastest growing sport in the US. The game comes with paddles, the gate, a boundary line, balls and a bag for easy transportation. What has really been setting it apart from volleyball and pickleball is that the setup can be done in just a couple minutes and you can bring the game with you anywhere, even if you were biking to your barbeque! Just like pickleball where everyone from 10 year olds to 90 year olds are enjoying it, Thruball’s different play styles allow for everyone to love the game, but you don't need a specific court! From backyards to beaches, to tennis courts, Thruball truly can be played anywhere. Mind games can often be played with your opponent of whether you will hit it hard towards the baseline, or a little drop shot just through the rectangle. Test out Thruball this summer as it is our #1 recommendation for a modern lawn game at a Barbeque!

the top backyard and beach game Thruball


You’ve probably walked down beaches and seen small trampoline like structures scattered throughout and that is because Spikeball has become a top game for athletic beachgoers even making its way onto ESPN! Spikeball isn't just for the intense athletes however, as it can make for a great addition to any family gathering! Like Thruball, Spikeball comes in a small lightweight bag, can be assembled in just a couple minutes, and all ages can play. The game is played with essentially volleyball rules where your team gets one, two, or three hits prior to bouncing it back on the trampoline to the other team. There is intense strategy of whether to spike it hard or play a soft delicate shot that may surprise your opponent. Be careful playing against your teenage cousin, Spikeball brings out the competitiveness in everyone!

Backyard games for all ages - perfect for families

Kan Jam

Often referred to as the modern version of Cornhole, Kan Jam is a newer game that is really coming onto the scene that is a blend of Cornhole and Polish horseshoes! Kan Jam consists of two plastic garbage can like structures with a small slot through the middle placed around 50 feet apart. One player throws a frisbee towards the can with the hope of getting it in the slot for an instant win (much harder than it sounds), inside the can with the help of your teammate deflecting it for two points, and one point if it hits the can at all before it touches the ground. Very little movement is needed by players, making it great for all ages, and you will always have a free hand for a drink! Be sure to let grandpa step in for a celebrity throw too, you never know how much frisbee he may have played back in the day! Kan Jam is truly a top backyard family game for 2023 with how inclusive and laid back the game is. 

Picking the right lawn game for your family barbecue is never easy, but these six classic and modern games will surely be a hit! Each one has the ability to play at any level of competitiveness and athleticism while maintaining the dramatic points needed for memories to last a lifetime. The best backyard family games include everyone, and that is what this list is all about! Make sure you consider everyone before bringing a lawn game to a party. Don’t be the person who shows up with Kadima when you could be the star of the show bringing Thruball. Don’t be the person who brings a frisbee when you could win the crowd with Kan Jam. Will your games get little Timmy away from the TV? Will Grandma Jane be dying to finish making the margaritas to join the fun? Will uncle Kevin want to hop off the grill to try to win a point for your team? If they don’t all want to participate, you should consider a different game!

There are thousands of backyard games you could consider but these are certainly the best games for everyone that people will remember. 

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ultimate guide to outdoor games. family friendly fun for all ages

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