Thruball: The Ultimate Backyard Adventure of 2024

The ultimate backyard game for the fall

The Ultimate Fall Backyard Adventure of 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of backyard games, a new contender has emerged to captivate thrill-seekers and fun-loving families alike. Introducing "Thruball," the exhilarating backyard game that is taking 2024 by storm. Read on to discover the exciting world of Thruball, exploring its origins, gameplay mechanics, and why it's poised to become the hottest outdoor activity of the year.

The Birth of Thruball: 

Thruball’s origins trace back to three men from the Northeast United States who share a love of sports, competition, and evolving theh world of gameplay. Calder Billings, Jackson Callahan, and John Wadlinger played countless hours of indoor and outdoor games together during their years living together in the heart of Boston. 

They had a realization that traditional sports and backyard games were just not enough, and they craved a new game that would bring people of all ages together. Driven by passion for creation and innovation of entertainment, the three embarked on a mission to revolutionize the lawn game industry.  

They founded Thruball, a transformative game that blends strategy, athleticism, and excitement to create a leisure time activity full of friendly competition and lasting memories. 

Top rated backyard games for fall

Gameplay Mechanics: 

One of the obvious beauties of the game of Thruball is the ability to transport the game to any outdoor location. Set up is simple: all you need is the Thruball gate, 4 paddles, and the ball. 

Thruball combines the quintessential components of pickleball, volleyball, and spikeball to create 2v2 game with the goal of hitting the ball through the gate. Players get to be both offense and defense in this thrilling adventure, by defending their side and aiming to score on the opponent. 

The game may feel a bit tricky at first, but with a little patience and a little practice, you’ll be a pro in no time! 

How to Play Thruball: 

How to Play: 

  • Teams of 2 v 2 line up on opposing sides of the court with the gate in the center of the boundary lines.
  • A point begins when the server hits the ball through the gate toward the opposing team.
  • The object of the game is to hit the ball through the gate in such a way that the opposing team cannot successfully return it.
  • Each team is allowed up to 3 touches, but no less than 2 touches, to return the ball through the gate.
  • The rally continues until a team is unable to return the ball through the gate. 


  • Thruball is a self-officiated sport, so the responsibility for fair play falls on the players.
  • A game starts with a “rally for serve” where no points are awarded to either team, but the team who gets to serve first is decided.
  • Basic Thruball rules follow a “gentleman’s serve” approach, where the ball is served through the gate with the sole intent of getting the point started. 
  • A point can only be scored by the serving team. 
  • If the rally is lost by the serving team, no points are awarded, but the serve switches to the receiving team for the next rally. If a point is won by the serving team, the serving player continues to serve until the receiving team wins a rally. 
  • Teammates must alternate who the server is each time a serve is won back from the opposing team.
  • A legal serve occurs when the server hits the ball through the gate without making contact with it, and the ball lands within the boundary lines or an opposing player makes contact. 

how to set up thruball a backyard game for the fall


  • A player serving the ball is allowed one fault, at which point the server has one more attempt to hit a legal serve. 
  • If a server hits two faults, the serve is lost and switched to the opposing team. Examples of faults are as follows: 
  • If a serve lands outside the boundary lines.
  • If a serve misses the gate.
  • If a serve makes contact with the gate without going through.


A player serving the ball is allowed unlimited lets. If a player hits the ball through the gate, but the ball makes contact with the gate and lands within the boundary lines, that is a let. This requires a re-serve. 

Playing the Ball:

  •  Two hits are required at minimum by each team. Up to three hits are allowed by each team.
  • Players may move as they wish during a point, but must never make contact with the stand or interfere with a player on the opposing team. 
  • A legal hit is anything that makes contact with the paddle only.
  • A player’s body may never make contact with the ball.
  • A player may not make contact with the ball twice consecutively, unless the ball ricochets off the gate on their team’s second hit. If the ball ricochets off the gate on the team’s second hit, either team member may use their team’s third hit to get the ball through the gate. 
  • Double contact (the paddle making contact with the ball twice in one hit) is not allowed, and results in a loss of serve or point. 

Thruball: The Ultimate Backyard Adventure

Thruball is truly the ultimate backyard adventure. The engaging dynamic and active gameplay is a physical challenge, promoting cardiovascular endurance and athleticism. The friendly competition is emphasized, strengthening bonds among players and stimulating team building and collaboration. We encourage highly competitive gameplay, but never at the expense of the mutual respect among competitors or the simple joy of play. 

Why Thruball Stands Out

Like nothing you’ve seen before, Thruball is a game made for all ages and locations. The rules of the game are simple enough for everyone to understand, and the level of competition and skill can be adjusted based on who’s playing - perfect for families and friends who love to get competitive while having fun. 

The combination of elements of pickleball, volleyball and spikeball delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience sure to bring on the laughter. Embrace the spirit of outdoor play in the digital age with this thrilling, action-packed adventure. 

perfect adult game for fall

Thruball Community 

Thruball is the hottest game of the summer. Connect with fellow Thruball enthusiasts and meet up at local parks for rousing games sure to build connection and community. Shop our gear to rep Thruball and be easily identified by other Thruball enthusiasts. Capture the excitement and memories of gameplay and tag us on social media for a chance to be featured! 


As summer heats up, so does the excitement surrounding Thruball. This dynamic and captivating backyard game promises adventure, laughter, and unforgettable moments for players of all ages. With its unique gameplay, emphasis on teamwork, and opportunities for friendly competition, Thruball has all the ingredients to become the most exciting backyard game of 2024 and beyond. So, gather your friends and family, set up the Thruball field, and get ready to experience the thrill of this new outdoor sensation. Let the games begin!


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